Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Government-Engineered children?


I read the following today; it is a work written by Mr. Dan Moxley, a Virginia resident and father who recognizes the importance of parental rights, entitled, "Government-Engineered Children: Save Parental Rights." I loved his thoughts so much, I wanted to send them on to you.


Government-Engineered Children?
Save Parental Rights
Dan Moxley

Since its adoption by the U.N. in 1989, the “Convention on the Rights of the Child” has been ratified by 193 of its 194 member nations. Even Somalia, with its broken government and war-torn state, signed on earlier this year alleging it did so to protect its children. The only member nation not “compassionate” enough to have done so is the United States.

Virginia’s Senator Mark Warner represented the convention to a concerned inquirer affirming that it protects a child’s “right to a name and nationality, freedom of speech and thought, access to health care and education, and freedom from exploitation, torture, and abuse.” We will demonstrate that this tug-at-the-heart-strings representation is nothing more than a manipulation tactic of the left.
Not surprisingly, the U.S. has suffered the scrutiny of other U.N. member nations, as well as domestic antagonists. Intense pressure is being applied to force the U.S. to recognize that adoption of this convention is the only appropriate response. Why has the U.S. not fallen in line with the other 193 U.N. member nations by submitting itself to this standard? Has the U.S alone been perceptive enough to understand what every other U.N. member nation has overlooked?

Not exactly. Of the countries that ratified this convention — more than 87 percent by the end of 1994 — few faced Constitutional hurdles similar to those of the U.S. Their constitutions were structured such that their governments were able to yield sovereignty and parental freedoms to the U.N. with relative ease. The delayed implementation of the U.N. convention in this country is substantially the result of limitations integral to our Constitution. To this extent, all wisdom is attributable to the founders.

To the credit of some contemporary legislators, their awareness of various dangers has prevented the U.N. convention from gaining U.S. sanction. One danger, evident only since the mid-1990s, is the ability of the U.N. to issue interpretations, or “general comments,” on the convention. Since, as it affirms of itself, “the convention, like all human rights instruments, must be regarded as a living instrument, whose interpretation develops over time,” and since the U.N. convention does not permit “any reservation incompatible with (its) object and purpose,” these new interpretations cannot be ignored. Once established by the U.N committee, they are legally binding on all ratifying nations. The U.S. would be no exception. This would be like agreeing to buy someone’s home and later finding out the previous owner’s legally-binding interpretations include unlimited weekend getaways at your new residence. You had better plan on being close friends.

The convention’s ability to be altered and yet binding, objectionable as it is, has not been the only objection in the U.S. There are two issues considered to be equally important. The first is: the U.N. convention as it stands would require and enable the federal government to develop a massive bureaucracy that would eclipse even the one anticipated with the new federal health care system. Every U.S. citizen would be subject to U.N. laws and world government. While one can debate what would occur under the U.N. convention, there can be no sensible debate about what could occur. Not only would ratification result in a comprehensive yielding of our sovereignty to the U.N., but it would prove the single greatest devise on the political horizon employable to complete annihilation of “states rights.”

The other substantial reason the U.S. has not supported this U.N. convention is due to the direct, dramatic impact it would have on the American family. Purporting to establish and secure the rights of children, it actually takes the rights of American parents to rear their own children and gives them to a panel of 18 would-be sages in Geneva, Switzerland. The rights that would be shifted to the U.N.’s oversight, if only according to present interpretations, are all-encompassing: the child would be able to “receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers … through any … media of the child’s choice,” and this “whether their parents or guardians consent.” Children will “have access to confidential medical counseling and advice” including “family planning education and services,” and this “without parental consent.” They will have freedom from corporal correction, “however light,” freedom of religion and freedom of association. (Notice the esteem this compassionate convention ascribes to parents).

While the U.N. currently frowns on your daughter marrying at 12 years of age, you will not be able to demand that she leave her Satan-worshipping 18-year-old boyfriend and return home. If you try to restrain any right in any fashion, your child will have the right to appeal to a government worker. If you persist, the federal government will be bound to replace you with a more cooperative guardian – it is cooperation, not character, that matters to the U.N. (They have decided that they will engineer character).

Does this sound like the convention Sen. Warner is promoting? Need I say that his representation bears all the marks of intentional deception? Represent it as something no reasonable person would reject; withhold all information that no reasonable person would accept.

The U.S. alone has stood against the pressures of ratification for more than two decades, but as we have been promised by the current administration, things may be about to change. Susan Rice, present ambassador to the U.N., has promised the Senate will adopt the U.N. convention this term. There have always been parties attempting to impose it on this country, but the current imbalance in legislative power – in favor of liberal democrats — poses the greatest potential risk to date.

Motivated in large part by the current threat, an organization has arisen to lead the effort to establish permanent protection for families. Parental Rights (found on the web at www.parentalrights.org) is seeking to garner support in the House, in the Senate, and in the states to secure an amendment to the Constitution. Contrary to left-wing extremist propaganda, the proposed amendment seeks only to make explicit the rights that have long been recognized by the states. Such an amendment would not only seal the fate of the U.N. convention, but it could also make it more difficult for judges who, in violation of their oath of office, make decisions regarding family law that are more representative of U.N. convention interests than those of the U.S. Constitution. At present, the proposed amendment has gained significant support — 139 co-sponsors in the House and seven co-sponsors in the Senate.
Others have also joined the fight: Numerous states have passed parental rights legislation, urging Congress to pass the parental rights amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Here in Virginia, the resolution passed the House of Delegates on Feb. 15 by a vote of 64 to 31. One day later, the full Senate waived a reading of the resolution and sent it to the rules sub-committee to determine whether it was worthy of serious consideration by the full Senate — it never again emerged. Knowing that Senate approval would indicate Virginia’s support of appropriate parental rights, the Virginia Senate dismissed it without even meeting formally for deliberation.

Since the passage of the parental rights amendment would effectively nullify the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child, and it would retain appropriate authority for the states as well as for parents, why would any legislator reject it? There are few possibilities: Either they are ignorant of the dangers, or they favor a massive federal government that will confiscate every conceivable right from the family. Presently, we have state delegates, including our own James Schuler, who voted against the proposed amendment, as well as a Senate, the majority of which believes such an issue is not worthy of their time. Other Virginia representatives oppose parental rights at the federal level, as demonstrated by their unwillingness to co-sponsor the amendment, including various Representatives and Senators Mark Warner and Jim Webb. Our representatives are responsible to protect, not surrender, our rights as parents. Failure to endorse this amendment to the U.S. Constitution suggests that what is good for our children is better understood by government than by the people – the parents. Those who refuse to support the amendment demonstrate they have no intention of being public servants; that they are more interested in being career politicians than preserving our freedom. It is time that We the People replace these con men with freedom loving statesmen.

All concerned citizens need to contact their representatives and demand proper representation. Don’t be deceived by their depiction of the matter – review the material yourself at www.parentalrights.org or elsewhere on the web. Determine to vote for representatives who will strive to protect the rights of the good people of Virginia.

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